Speaker Pastor Matthew Ude

Live In Jesus

Sunday April 28, 2024 Text: John 15:1-8 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 15:1-8

In this parable Jesus teaches us that those who make use of his word grow strong in faith. Those who do not wither and die. 2 “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; We often speak about heroes of faith, but Jesus speaks here about the opposite, anti-heroes. He speaks

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Sunday April 21, 2024 Speaker: Festival:

Only the rich can give True or false – Only the rich can give? The truth is that only those who have can give, and only those who have in abundance can give generously. What we often forget is just how rich we are. All our readings this morning reminds us of the wealth that

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Jesus In Our Midst

Sunday April 14, 2024 Text: Luke 24:36-49 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:36-49

36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.”  Its Sunday. The people are gathered. Jesus is in their midst. He gives them his peace. He sends them out into the world. What am I describing? Am I describing our text or

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The Light Reveals The Truth

Sunday April 7, 2024 Text: John 20:19-31 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 20:19-31

Last week we heard how the women come to the tomb early in the darkness. They leave in the glorious light of his resurrection. They come bearing the accoutrements of death. They leave with the promises of life. Similarly in our text today the disciples begin hiding in fear but in the end, leave filled

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Funeral of Christine A. Rechek

Monday April 1, 2024 Text: John 14:1-6 Speaker: Passages: John 14:1-6

A Hidden Treasure

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Visiting the Empty Tomb

Sunday March 31, 2024 Text: Mark 16:1-8 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 16:1-8

Last year I was reading a book and came across a quote that surprised me.  It was a quote from a second century Roman general who referred to the Jewish nation and their “tribal god.” It’s not surprising that an ancient roman would view the Lord God in such a way. Yet, it was one

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A Tree To Make Bitter Waters Sweet

Friday March 29, 2024 Text: Psalm 22:1-11 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Psalm 22:1-11

At Marah the Israelites found water but they could not drink it because it was bitter. The Lord showed Moses a particular tree. This wasn’t just any tree, but one in particular which God chose. Moses cut it down and when he put it in the water, the water became sweet. Today God has shown

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The Offerings of God

Thursday March 28, 2024 Text: Mark 14:12-26 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 14:12-26

The words of institution to the Lord’s Supper are filled with the sacrificial language of the Old Testament. Words like body, blood, given, shed, poured out, and remission, call to mind the offerings and sacrifices of the Old Testament. Jesus makes it clear that his supper is to be an offering. Not an offering from

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Behold! The Lamb of God

Sunday March 24, 2024 Text: John 1:29 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 1:29

It always takes me a while to pick out a Christmas tree. I want to find the perfect one. You may know how it goes. One is too high, one too short, another too thin, too fat, crooked, or lopsided. When you think you have found the prefect one you walk around and on the

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What We Are In Christ

Sunday March 10, 2024 Text: Ephesians 2:1-10 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Ephesians 2:1-10

Imagine driving through the Arizona desert. On your way through the desert, you see a pile of dry bones. Imagine someone in the car stepped out and started preaching to the dry bones. What would you think? You would probably think him a complete nut. This is exactly what God told Ezekiel the prophet to

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