Season Easter

The Resurrection Effect

Sunday April 16, 2023 Text: Acts 5:29-42 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Acts 5:29-42

For a long time, astrophysicists were quite certain of the existence of black holes, even though they had never seen one directly. The truth of their existence was deduced by the effect they have on the objects around them. Similarly, long before they ever found Pluto, they knew it was there because of the effect

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Welcome to the Empty Tomb

Saturday April 8, 2023 Text: Matthew 28:2 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 28:2

The angels roll back the tomb and they sit there. Who are they waiting for? In the gospels it is the women who come first to the tomb. They see the empty tomb and hear the angels, but the tomb is empty, and the angels are sitting there. Anyone could come to hear and see.

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Jesus Says Come

Sunday May 29, 2022 Text: Revelation 22:1-6 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Revelation 22:1-6

Let all those who desire to walk in the forest of life, come, and receive healing in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Jesus Is Our Palm Tree

Sunday May 15, 2022 Text: Revelation 7:9-17 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Revelation 7:9-17

Friday after we took Kaylee to her appointments in Madison, Vanessa and I stopped at Yellowstone Lake State Park.  We were thinking perhaps we would go camping there for a few days later this summer. It was not a good day to think about camping. I generally like camping but standing out in the heat

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Sunday May 8, 2022 Text: Revelation 5:1-14 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Revelation 5:1-14

This vision reveals Christ’s ascension from the other side. It is give to those who are weary so that they may be strengthened to continue.

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Jesus Reigns With Us

Sunday May 1, 2022 Text: Revelation 1:4-18 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Revelation 1:4-18

Why does the book of Revelations matter? The book of Revelation is one that can be confusing. For example, just in our reading today “the Alpha and the Omega” is that a reference to the Father or to the Son? Or this  reference to the seven spirits, what does that mean? Verse, one also tells

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It’s Not Over Yet

Sunday April 24, 2022 Text: Luke 24:13-32 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:13-32

Easter is not over yet. Jesus still lives. He still seeks the lost. He still walks with us. He still reveals Himself in word and sacrament.

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He IS Arisen

Sunday April 17, 2022 Text: Luke 24:1-12 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:1-12

He Has Already Arisen He Is Arisen Now He Is Still Arisen

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The Victory AND the Ever After In Christ

Sunday May 16, 2021 Text: John 17:11-19 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 17:11-19

Christ is victorious but we still have to live in this world. Yet we have this promise from Christ that the Father will keep us.

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Chosen To Bear Fruit

Sunday May 9, 2021 Text: John 15:16 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 15:16

Jesus chose us and gives us everything we need so that we might bear fruit.

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