Passage :

The Lord Comes To Give Life

Sunday June 30, 2024 Text: Mark 5:21-43 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 5:21-43

Mark 5:21-23 Now when Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a great multitude gathered to Him; and He was by the sea.  22 And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue came, Jairus by name. And when he saw Him, he fell at His feet 23 and begged Him

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Jesus Teaches Us How To Take a Nap

Sunday June 23, 2024 Text: Mark 4:35-41 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 4:35-41

Some people can fall asleep anywhere, plane, train, car, church pew. Others have trouble falling asleep even at night in a comfortable bed. In our text today Jesus takes sleeping on the go to a whole new level. He is peacefully sleeping on a boat, in a storm, while waves are crashing over his head.

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God’s Mercy Doesn’t Break

Sunday June 9, 2024 Text: Mark 3:20-30 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 3:20-30

How far can your kids stretch your patience before it breaks? Imagine your child standing there with a plastic bat tapping it against your head, dad, dad, dad, dad . . . How long until you lose patience? Our text today talks about God’s patience. Jesus warns us just how far God’s patience will last.

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Visiting the Empty Tomb

Sunday March 31, 2024 Text: Mark 16:1-8 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 16:1-8

Last year I was reading a book and came across a quote that surprised me.  It was a quote from a second century Roman general who referred to the Jewish nation and their “tribal god.” It’s not surprising that an ancient roman would view the Lord God in such a way. Yet, it was one

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The Offerings of God

Thursday March 28, 2024 Text: Mark 14:12-26 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 14:12-26

The words of institution to the Lord’s Supper are filled with the sacrificial language of the Old Testament. Words like body, blood, given, shed, poured out, and remission, call to mind the offerings and sacrifices of the Old Testament. Jesus makes it clear that his supper is to be an offering. Not an offering from

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Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Tuesday March 19, 2024 Text: Luke 19:28-40; Mark 11:1-10 Passages: Luke 19:28-40; Mark 11:1-10

Jesus enters Jerusalem as king, but not like an earthly king. He comes in humility. He comes to serve. He comes to die.

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Who Is The Christ?

Sunday February 25, 2024 Text: Mark 8:27-38 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 8:27-38

There was one professor in particular at ILC who always made you show your work. Even if you got the answer right, if you didn’t get there the right way you still got it wrong. Similarly, some teachers want you to explain why on the true or false questions. Its not good enough to mark

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When the Lord Writes the Test

Sunday February 18, 2024 Text: Mark 1:9-15 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 1:9-15

Back in the early 80s three students wrote the SAT board to point out that there was a mistake on the SAT. The board reviewed the test and realized they were right. They removed that question from the test and adjusted all the scores accordingly. For some people this was a good thing, their score

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