God Leads Us To Bethlehem
Sunday January 12, 2025 Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Matthew 2:1-12
Who are these men from the east? We often refer to them as wisemen or as the three kings, but the truth is they were neither. They were gentiles. They were probably astrologers and practitioners of other occult superstitions. Most importantly they were people whom God in grace and through his word lead out of
Read MoreThe Point of Peace
Wednesday December 6, 2023 Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Matthew 2:1-12
You need two lines to make a point of a star. Each line by itself would continue forever. Here at the point of a star the two lines come together. We need earthly things to live. We need food and clothing. We need money and friends and family. We need to know that people care
Read MoreJesus Is Our King
Sunday January 8, 2023 Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Matthew 2:1-12
Who were the Magi? They were not kings, at least not in the modern sense of the word. They served royalty but they themselves were not. The term wise man is also probably not correct. The term the Bible uses is Magi. Magi were occultist, astrologers. They studied the skies and dreams for portents and
Read MoreSorrow Not
Wednesday December 8, 2021 Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Matthew 2:1-12
NKJ Proverbs 29:4 The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it. When the true king reigns, the people rejoice. It seems like for the past 15 years the news is constantly talking about refuges. Libya, Sudan, Syria, south America, eastern Europe, half the world is trying to get away
Read MoreWhat Really Matters
Sunday January 10, 2021 Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Matthew 2:1-12
There are plenty of legends around the these wise men from the East. Matthew keeps it simple and sticks to what matters. What matters is that they came to worship HIM!
Read MoreSeeking Christ
Sunday January 6, 2019 Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Matthew 2:1-12
They sought him with their heart The wise men sought Christ with their whole heart. It would have been very easy for them to make excuses. He is so far away. A journey like that would cost us so much money. We have work to do here. We have family to take care
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