Speaker Pastor Matthew Ude

The Strong Hand of Christ

Monday June 25, 2018 Text: Isaiah 40:9-11 Speaker: / Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Isaiah 40:9-11

Our Lord is strong and gentle, humble and exalted, died and lives, He is in all things the Good Shepherd.

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The Power Hidden in the Seed

Monday June 18, 2018 Text: Mark 4:26-34 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Mark 4:26-34

The power of God is hidden in earthly things that seem to be nothing, the word and the sacraments. These things appear small and pointless, yet the power of God is active through them. These small things will bring people to faith. They will grow people in their faith.

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Christ’s Family Are Those Whom He Separates from Sin and Satan

Tuesday June 12, 2018 Text: Mark 3:20-35 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: Mark 3:20-35

Christ separates us from Satan to unite us with himself. Those who are united to Christ leave behind sin. Those who do His will are His family.

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His Strength will Lift Us Up to Heaven

Sunday June 3, 2018 Text: Isaiah 40:28-31 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Isaiah 40:28-31

  Isaiah is being more than a little sarcastic here. He is talking to the people of Israel and in the verses prior to this they are complaining about God and about what He hasn’t done for them. So Isaiah says, “didn’t you know that the almighty everlasting God doesn’t grow tired?” It’s sarcastic, but

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Then You Shall Know That I Am the Lord

Monday May 21, 2018 Text: John 15:26-27; John 16:4-15 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: John 15:26-27; John 16:4-15

The miracle of the Holy Spirit is not speaking in tongues, nor flames or fire, nor a great wind, but when sinners hear the Word of God, believe and confess Christ.

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Lord, Keep Our Hearts In Your Name

Sunday May 13, 2018 Text: John 17:11-19 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: John 17:11-19

The name of the Lord is the Word of the Lord. The Father keeps us safe through His word. Because of this word we are hated by the world, but just as Jesus kept them while He was in the world, so the Father will keep us now.

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Jesus Ascended to be With Us

Thursday May 10, 2018 Text: Ephesians 1:15-23 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Ephesians 1:15-23

    When one leaves, we often make high sounding promises to our family and loved ones. For example we might say, “I’ll be with you in spirit.” This of course means very little. Our loved ones might take some comfort from the fact that though we are far away we still think about them

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Return To His Love

Tuesday May 8, 2018 Text: John 15:9-17 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / Passages: John 15:9-17

Jesus died to wash away our sin and to create a people who live in love. But we will never learn to live in love for one another unless we live at the foot of His cross.

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The GOOD Shepherd

Monday April 30, 2018 Text: John 10:11-18 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: John 10:11-18

Jesus proves that He is the good shepherd when He lays down His life for the sheep. He calls every one of them by name. He searches out each and every one from the corners of the earth and brings them to His fold.

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Jesus Lives Therefore . . .

Monday April 23, 2018 Text: Luke 24:36-49 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Luke 24:36-49

  Jesus Lives Therefore  .  .  . We have peace Jesus resurrection means we have peace. It’s the first thing Jesus says, not just here but all the time. When God appears in the old testament, when the angels appear to men. They always come with the same message. “Peace to you,” or “Do not

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