Speaker Pastor Matthew Ude

Remove Excuses

Sunday September 6, 2020 Text: Matthew 18:21-35 Speaker: Passages: Matthew 18:21-35

We always have reasons why we need not forgive and why we need not be forgiven. In this parable Jesus strips away our excuses so that we can both forgive and be forgiven.

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What Is Impossible For Man, Jesus Does

Sunday August 30, 2020 Text: Romans 12:9-21 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Romans 12:9-21

WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR US JESUS DOES Jesus loves without hypocrisy Jesus blesses those who curse

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Monday August 17, 2020 Text: Romans 11:1-2,13-15,28-32 Speaker: Passages: Romans 11:1-2,13-15,28-32

God’s promises are irrevocable, once given they are not taken back. Even Paul, who was chief of sinners and the worst of Pharisees, God did not abandon. Even when he sent the gospel to the gentiles he did not abandon Israel but hoped that they would be provoked to jealousy. And having once given to us those promises, they are our forever.

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What Is Necessary?

Sunday August 9, 2020 Text: Romans 10:5-17 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Romans 10:5-17

The life which God offers is not a hard thing as though we had to climb to heaven. It is easily accessible to all. It is by faith that we confess and whoever confesses will be saved. And it is the word that creates faith. And that word is right here for all.

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The Value Of Christ’s Kingdom

Sunday July 26, 2020 Text: Matthew 13:44-52 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 13:44-52

God’s protection, faithfulness and love all make the kingdom of God worth even our lives. But the true value of God’s kingdom lies not in what value we place on Him but in what value He places in us.

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Jesus Leads the Way To Heavenly Treasure

Sunday July 19, 2020 Text: Romans 11:33 Speaker: Festival: Tags: Passages: Romans 11:33

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Christ Is A Farmer

Sunday July 12, 2020 Text: Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 13:1-9,18-23

When explaining the kingdom of heaven to us, Christ chooses to show himself as a farmer. He through hard work removes stones and weeds, tills, and fertilizes our hearts, so that we might be good soil bearing fruit for God.

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A Better Kingdom

Sunday July 5, 2020 Text: Matthew 11:25-30 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 11:25-30

Born in Peace - Teaching Peace - Giving Peace As much as we appreciate the blessing of our nation, we look forward to a better king and a better kingdom.

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The Value of Christ

Sunday June 28, 2020 Text: Matthew 10:34-42 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 10:34-42

The salvation of Christ is a gift freely given but that does-n’t mean that it is worthless or cheap. Jesus want us to appreciate just how valuable this gift is. It is worth suffering. It is of greater value than even our life. It is a blessing above all others.

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Sunday June 7, 2020 Text: Matthew 28:16-20 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 28:16-20

Christ's unlimited authority, strength, and love means that we have unlimited hope.

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