Sunday School Preparation

NT3-06 Jesus Sends the Seventy

Jesus prepares and sends out the seventy. There is more than enough work for us all to do.

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NT3-03 Jesus Forgives A Sinner

A women of the city hears Jesus preaching. She understands that Jesus has come to forgive her sins. And in joy at what Christ has done washes His feet with her tears and her hair.

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NT3-01 The Beatitudes

The beatitudes are not a blessing we earn by being meek, or poor in spirit. Rather these are blessings that God has promised us in Christ. Therefore when we are poor, hungry, meek or persecuted in these times we can find comfort in these blessings which God has promised and which are ours in Chirst.

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NT5-13 Paul Sails To Rome

Paul is sent to Rome as a prisoner. The ships goes through a storm. The Lord keeps Him safe.

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NT5-12 Paul and Silas

Satan uses a slave girl to try and impede and discredit the preaching of the Gospel, but God works all things for good. He brings many to faith including the jailer and his family. Just as Paul uses the word of God to cast out the demon from the possessed girl, so also the word

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NT5-10 Paul and Timothy

Paul and Barnabas travel to Jerusalem. There the church debates the need for circumcision and the rest of the ceremonial law of Moses. The church recognizes that all are saved by grace alone without any works. But out of love for their Jewish brothers the Gentiles are asked to refrain from certain things which are

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NT5-09 Paul’s First Missionary Journey

Paul and Barnabas leave from Antioch and travel through Cyprus and Asia Minor. Paul blinds an evil sorcerer. Paul heals a man lame from birth. The Jews filled with envy attempt to stop Paul in every city. Despite sickness and persecution Paul continues to preach and teach and the word of God grows.

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NT5-08 Peter’s Escape From Prison

Herod kills the apostle James and attempts to kill Peter. However Herod can not stand against the Lord. The Lord frees Peter, Herod is brought to judgement and the Word of the Lord grows.

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NT5-07 Peter and Cornelius

God appears in a vision to Peter to teach him that the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament have been fulfilled and are no longer binding on God’s people. More importantly that the Gospel is to go to Jew and Gentile without distinction. Peter therefore preaches the gospel in the house of Cornelius. Cornelius and

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NT5-06 Dorcas

In the life of Dorcas, we see that God leads us to do good works that glorify Him and point others to the saving light of Christ!

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