Sunday School Preparation

OT4 12 – God’s People Go Home

Despite their sin, God fulfills his promise to bring his people back to Judah.

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0T4 – 11 Daniel in the Lions Den

Evil men attempt to destroy Daniel but the Lord is taking care of him.

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OT4 – 10 Three Men and the Fiery Furnace

God not only delivers the men but walks with them in the fire.

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OT4 – 05 Elijah Taken Into Heaven

We are all subject to death because of our sin. Yet in Christ death is conquered and his people are taken to heaven.

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OT4 – 04 Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

The false gods are unable to hear or answer the cries of their worshippers. Jehovah hears every prayer of those who call to him.

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OT4 – 03 God Provides For Elijah

God sends a drought to call Israel to repentance, but still provides for Elijah and the widow of Zarephath.

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OT4-02 Solomon Builds the Temple

Solomon builds a beautiful temple for the Lord, but all the gold and wisdom of this world can not build an everlasting temple or an everlasting kingdom. The temple is but a place holder until God comes to dwell with us in the person of Jesus Christ.

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OT4-01 The Wisdom of Solomon

Rather than ask for wisdom Solomon asks for wisdom to lead the people of God.

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NT3-09 Jesus Teaches Us To Pray

The Lord’s Prayer; The Friend at Midnight; John 16

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NT3-08 The Good Shepherd

Jesus is our king and our shepherd. He protects us from all danger. He leads us to the pasture of life.

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