Sunday School Prep - NT4


Jesus raises from the dead.

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Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Jesus enters Jerusalem as king, but not like an earthly king. He comes in humility. He comes to serve. He comes to die.

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Jesus came to heal those broken by sin.

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The Unforgiving Servant

Nothing anyone has ever done to us is as bad as the sins we commit against God. Yet God has forgiven us all. We also ought to forgive one another.

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Jesus’ Ascension

Jesus ascends to heaven. Not leaving us but to be with us fully.

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The Empty Tomb

Jesus is risen and has fixed the problem of death and has restored our relationship with our Father in heaven.

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Passion of Christ

Jesus, the lamb of God that carries the sin of the world, dies for sinners like me.

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Lord’s Supper

Before his death Jesus gives us the Lord’s Supper. It is a fulfillment of the passover. It is a reminder of his death. It is a looking forward to the feast of the Lamb. It is a recieving and a participation with his death.

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NT4 12a – Jesus Second Coming

Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead. We do not know when, therefore we ought to watch and be always ready.

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NT4 08A – Jesus Prays in the Garden

Jesus prays in the garden that he might not have to go through the suffering, but submits to God’s will.

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