The Battle is Not Yours but the Lord’s: A Battle of Repentance
Wednesday February 21, 2024 Text: Luke 18:9-14 Speaker: Pastor Mark Tiefel Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 18:9-14
Our midweek Lenten series this year is all about battles. Battles that the Lord fights for us in our lives and battles that Christ fought when He secured our redemption. Our series is appropriately named after the same confession of David when he declared before Goliath – “The Battle is the Lord’s.” We are reminded
Read MoreWhen the Lord Writes the Test
Sunday February 18, 2024 Text: Mark 1:9-15 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Mark 1:9-15
Back in the early 80s three students wrote the SAT board to point out that there was a mistake on the SAT. The board reviewed the test and realized they were right. They removed that question from the test and adjusted all the scores accordingly. For some people this was a good thing, their score
Read MorePeter, Jesus and Me: Discipleship
Wednesday March 29, 2023 Text: Matthew 26:57-58 Speaker: Pastor Mark Tiefel Festival: Lent Passages: Matthew 26:57-58
Read MoreJesus Goes to war
Sunday March 26, 2023 Text: John 11:1-45 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: John 11:1-45
In the last weeks we have seen how Jesus takes advantage of every opportunity. In the death of Lazarus there is another opportunity for Jesus to personally battle death. Despite the threat from the leaders of the Jews Jesus goes to call the dead to life. His fight is with death both physical and spiritual.
Read MoreThough We Deny Jesus, He Does Not Deny Us
Wednesday March 22, 2023 Text: Luke 22:54-62 Speaker: Pastor David Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 22:54-62
Read MoreGrace Brings Sight
Sunday March 19, 2023 Text: John 9:1-41 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: John 9:1-41
Jesus opens the eyes of a man physically blind, but far more important is the spiritual sight He gives to us all. When we look at things from a legalistic view we think we can see but we are blind. When we view the world through the grace of God in Christ Jesus we truly see.
Read MoreJesus, Peter and Me: Misunderstanding
Wednesday March 15, 2023 Text: John 18:1-11 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: John 18:1-11
Back in 1999 “NASA lost its $125-million Mars Climate Orbiter because spacecraft engineers failed to convert from English to metric measurements” From <> Misunderstandings happen all the time. They don’t usually cost us $125 million dollars but they do often cause big problems. Taking the time to check if the measurements are metric or standard
Read MoreJesus Doesn’t Rest
Sunday March 12, 2023 Text: John 4:5-26 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: John 4:5-26
Jesus came to give rest not to receive it. This rest is ours when we lay down our sins and receive Jesus.
Read MoreJesus, Peter and Me: The Company You Keep
Wednesday March 8, 2023 Text: John 18:18 Speaker: Pastor Micheal Eichstadt Festival: Lent Passages: John 18:18
Read MoreSaved Through Christ
Sunday March 5, 2023 Text: John 3:1-17 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: John 3:1-17
In the very ancient church, the Sundays in lent were often a time to prepare initiates for baptism. Hence the lessons for these Sundays were often a review of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. Our text this morning certainly reflects this ancient custom. There is a lot that Jesus hints at in his
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