Season Confirmation

Follow the Lord, He Will Build Your House

Sunday May 12, 2024 Text: 2 samuel 7:1-5,8-9,12-16 Speaker: Festival: Passages: 2 samuel 7:1-5,8-9,12-16

If you find yourself out on the road in snowstorm behind a snowplow, it is a good idea to stay behind the snowplow. Behind the snowplow is safe. It doesn’t matter how good you think your 4-wheel drive is, you’re still better off behind the snowplow. Last winter there was a video online of a

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So, You Think Your Done

Sunday May 21, 2023 Text: 1 peter 5:6-11 Speaker: Festival: Passages: 1 peter 5:6-11

Four years ago, this fall, Elijah started confirmation class. After two years we made it through the catechism. At the end of that second year, Elijah asked me, “Does that mean we are done?” The answer of course was “No.” Two years later and the answer is still, no. Your done meeting with me but

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Jesus Brings Completion

Sunday May 22, 2022 Text: Revelation 21:1-7 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Revelation 21:1-7

For the three of you, today marks an end. It is the end of meeting with me every Wednesday night, the end of sermon summaries, the end of reciting memory work. Today marks the end of one thing but is it complete? There is a difference between an end and a completion. Catechism has ended

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Sunday June 7, 2020 Text: Matthew 28:16-20 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 28:16-20

Christ's unlimited authority, strength, and love means that we have unlimited hope.

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Grow In His Word With The Holy Spirit

Sunday May 21, 2017 Text: John 14:15-21 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / Passages: John 14:15-21

Those who love the Lord will delight to learn more about Him and grow in His word. This word teaches us many things that we must accept by faith because we can not see them. This faith is based on that which has been seen, namely the mighty works of God especially the resurrection of Jesus. Although these things are beyond our understanding we have the promise of the Helper who will guide our hearts and minds.

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