Christmas Day 2024
Tuesday December 24, 2024 Text: Isaiah 9:6-7 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Christmas Passages: Isaiah 9:6-7
There are many stories one could tell of children who don’t listen to their fathers. One that sticks in my mind is my brother’s daughter Anastasia. David was visiting a number of years ago and we were all out in the front yard playing. Anastasia started running towards 73. David told her to stop. She
Read MoreWonderful Counselor
Wednesday December 18, 2024 Text: Isaiah 9:1-2,6-7 Speaker: Pastor David Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 9:1-2,6-7
Read MoreMighty God
Wednesday December 11, 2024 Text: Isaiah 9:1-2,6-7 Speaker: Pastor Andrew Schaller Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 9:1-2,6-7
Read MoreGod Prepares Your Heart
Sunday December 8, 2024 Text: Isaiah 40:1-11 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 40:1-11
On the south side of county road AW about halfway between here and Waupun, there is a house covered in Christmas lights. This house really stands out. There is a house that is ready for Christmas. If we have the time and inclination we could prepare our houses similarly for Christmas, what we cannot do
Read MorePrince of Peace
Wednesday December 4, 2024 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 9:1-2,6-7
Read MoreThe LORD is our Rock!
Friday October 11, 2024 Text: Isaiah 44:6-8 Speaker: Pastor Mark Bernthal Festival: Trinity Passages: Isaiah 44:6-8
I.N.I. Summer Sermon 2024 Isaiah 44:6-8 In Christ Jesus, our Rock in whom we trust, Dear Fellow Redeemed, How safe do you feel in this world full of turmoil and change? Well a term that is used when people feel very save and secure is “rock-solid.” If you have a rock-solid friend, you can
Read MoreThe Light is Worth The Trip
Sunday January 7, 2024 Text: Isaiah 60:1-6 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Isaiah 60:1-6
When my brother David was in college, we drove together to Austin, Texas without stopping. We drove all night and all day. When we arrived, we were there for maybe twenty minutes, turned around and drove all the way back. About twenty-four hours one way and the same back. Why would we do that? All
Read MoreThe Rest of Peace
Wednesday December 20, 2023 Text: Isaiah 9:1-7 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 9:1-7
Let’s start this evening by agreeing that I am right. Think of all the time we could save at meetings if I just made all the decisions. Think how peaceful everything would be if everyone just agreed with me all the time. The only problem is that I’m not always right and I don’t always
Sunday December 17, 2023 Text: Isaiah 61:1-3 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 61:1-3
Our kids usually learn at a young age how to identify Jesus in any given picture. Even if the physical depiction of Jesus is different from the classic European with a beard and long hair, still there are certain clues they pick up on. Jesus is the one holding the lamb. Jesus is the one
Sunday December 10, 2023 Text: Isaiah 40:1-11 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Advent Passages: Isaiah 40:1-11
Verses 1-2 “Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” Says your God. 2 “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her warfare is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the LORD’S hand Double for all her sins.” God speaks comfort or rather tenderness to his people. God knows how
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